Sierra Vista Public Works
Home Page Rotary Club of Sierra Vista. The regular noon meeting of the Rotary Club of Sierra Vista was a special event this week. Our new Club President, Mr. Joe Puett, was installed in office along with the new Officers and Directors of his team. Prior to the Installation ceremony, the Club President for 2. Ms. Emily Scherrer, provided an excellent recap of the accomplishments by the club during her tenure. ProfilePics/69695345389.png' alt='Sierra Vista Public Works' title='Sierra Vista Public Works' />Emily began her Rotary year a little earlier than most, as she stepped in to be the Club President when the serving President 2. Utah. Emily was up to the task and with support from her Board of Directors and the club members, she blazed a path for us to follow the entire year. With her energy and leadership, the club completed dictionary and thesaurus deliveries to 3rd grade and 7th grade students in Cochise County. Club members supported the Douglas Fly In and the Sierra Vista Fly In participated in the Alzheimers Walk and the Relay for Life participated in a record breaking manner in the Ride to End Polio conducted in conjunction with the El Tour de Tucson sent an exchange student to Taiwan and sponsored a young French high school student here in Sierra Vista. We also sent two of our club members to Mexico to immunize children from polio. The club started having regular Happy Hour gatherings open to all Rotarians and prospective Rotarians, intended to strengthen our social ties in the club and within the community, which they did. Preface 2017 Accommodation and Car Rental Directory Preface. Welcome Please note that the Accommodation and Car Rental Directory Prefaces are combined. Join Classmates. com for Free Reconnect with high school friends, browse the biggest database of online yearbooks andor plan high school reunions. These gatherings were a big hit and will continue into the next Rotary Year. Ar Rahman Musical Hits. Continuing her year in review comments, President Emily said, The Rotary Club of Sierra Vista has had another successful and hectic year. We participated in project graduation. We were part of a grant that built a playground for schoolchildren with disabilities. Search California public employee and local government salaries find CA state, federal, county, city, school pensions compensation, 20 salaries. MacOS High Sierra brings new forwardlooking technologies and enhanced features to your Mac. Prj ID Bid Date Project Name OwnerAgent Download View Online 7302015 ADA Pedestrian Ramps Project City of Solana Beach 7302015 John Beaudet Community. Official site. Government information including services, meeting notes, personnel directory and events. Labor Commissioners Office DLSE Debarments. The following contractors are currently barred from bidding on, accepting, or performing any public works contracts. Located Southeast of Los Angeles, nestled in the foothills of the San Bernardino Mountains. Check out our website to find out more about the City of Gracious Living. Our weekly bulletins went electronic our website and social media are now somewhat updated, and over a glass of wine and cheese we became friends in addition to Rotary partners and business friends. Another significant accomplishment of the club under the Presidency of Ms. Scherrer, was being at the very top level of contributions percapita for the Rotary Foundation, thereby helping to provide aid and assistance around the world in international humanitarian and peace making efforts. In concluding her remarks, Emily said she would like to say a big THANK YOU to all the Board Members, Rotarians, and all of you who have helped make this year a productive one, including the Pueblo del Sol Country Club the location for our weekly meetings and its excellent staff. It is now my pleasant duty to pass on the baton of leadership of this prestigious club to our incoming president, Joe Puett. He is energetic, full of ideas, and ready to lead. I know his year will be a success and Im already looking forward to serving him and handing over my duties as our leader. I wish Joe and his incoming board every success. As a former youth librarian, and a current library administrator, I thought it prudent to end on the infamous words of the highly sought after poet, Dr. Seuss. So, to Joe and the Board, heres my advice for the next year Youre off to Great PlacesToday is your day Your mountain is waiting,So. Thank you for a wonderful year. Music First 6Th Edition Gary White Pdf'>Music First 6Th Edition Gary White Pdf. Its been an honor serving as your president. Ms. Scherrer then recognized her 2. Board of Directors with presents Rotary wine glasses went to Vice President Frank Gonzalez Secretary Mike Strange Treasurer Jack Lintner Sgt at Arms Les Orchekowsky Community Service Director Brian Barkdull Vocational Service Director Joe Britton Public Relations Director Al Chariton International Director Jim Evans New GenerationsYouth Services Director Anne Gibson and Rotary Foundation Director Les Orchekowsky. Emily then announced attendance awards, and gave special thank you presents to Rotarians who provided exceptional support to Rotary projects. Emily ending up by presenting her two highest annual awards The Rotarian of the Year Award was given to Rotarian Jack Lintner, and the Service Above Self Award was given to Rotarian John Spengler. Past President and Rotary District 5. Assistant Governor, Ms. KJ Wigton, then conducted the Installation Swearing In ceremony for new Club President Joe Puett. After taking the Presidents gavel, President Joe took charge of the rest of the meeting starting with the official swearing in of his new Board of Directors. Rotary Club of Sierra VistaOfficers and Directors2. President Joe Puett Vice President Emily Scherrer President Elect Nancy Fusco Secretary Mike Strange Treasurer Jack Lintner Admin Services KJ Wigton Community Service Frank Gonzalez Vocational Service Joe Britton International Service Co Chairs Jim Evans, Dan Crews New Generations Anne Gibson Public Relations John Spengler Rotary Foundation Les Orchekowsky. Afterwards, President Joe took a few moments to briefly outline his objectives for the club for Rotary Year 2. He emphasized that service projects and the club activities were going to be focused on areas that Rotary International supported and would reflect the areas that Sierra Vista Rotary Club members wanted to pursue for our local community and for international projects. He pledged to work hard and to help grow projects that would meet the theme for Rotary Year 2. Rotary Serving Humanity.