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Cell Phone Fraud Federal Communications Commission. Cellular fraud is defined as the unauthorized use, tampering or manipulation of a cellular phone or service. Two main types are cloning and subscriber fraud, which are both illegal under the Wireless Telephone Protection Act. What is subscriber fraud Subscriber fraud occurs when someone signs up for service with fraudulently obtained customer information or false identification. Lawbreakers obtain your personal information and use it to set up a cell phone account in your name. Resolving subscriber fraud could develop into a long and difficult process for victims. It may take time to discover that subscriber fraud has occurred and even more time to prove that you did not incur the debts. Millions of dollars are lost each year due to subscriber fraud. Request Alternate Format. To request this article in an alternate format braille, large print, Word or text document or audio email or write the address or call. Serial Murder. View printable version pdf Behavioral Analysis Unit2 National Center for the Analysis of Violent Crime Critical Incident Response Group. Tabtight professional, free when you need it, VPN service. Call your service provider if you think you have been a victim of it. To prevent subscriber fraud, make sure your personal information is kept private when purchasing anything in a store or on the Internet. What is cell phone cloning fraudItem Unique Item Identifier Type IUID Type The IUID type is a key data element that indicates how the UII was constructed, or which IUID Equivalent it is. Every cell phone should have a unique factory set electronic serial number and telephone number. A cloned cell phone is one that has been reprogrammed to transmit the ESN and MIN belonging to another legitimate cell phone. Unscrupulous people can obtain valid ESNMIN combinations by illegally monitoring the radio wave transmissions from the cell phones of legitimate subscribers. After cloning, both the legitimate and the fraudulent cell phones have the same ESNMIN combination and cellular systems cannot distinguish the cloned cell phone from the legitimate one. The legitimate phone user then gets billed for the cloned phones calls. Cmedia Audio Driver Windows 8 more. Call your service provider if you think you have been a victim of cloning. To prevent cell phone cloning fraud, ask your service provider about authentication systems installed by device manufacturers as a countermeasure. Print Out. Cell Phone Fraud Guide pdfFile a Complaint with the FCC Visit our Consumer Complaint Center at consumercomplaints. Request Alternate Format. To request this article in an alternate format braille, large print, Word or text document or audio email or write the address or call the phone number at the bottom of this page. Consumer Help Center. Learn about consumer issues visit the FCCs Consumer Help Center at www.