Everytime I Die Ex Lives Blogspot
A Jewish Police State Is Coming. A Jewish Police State Is Coming, Jewification Of America Articles. A JEWISH POLICE STATE IS COMINGBy Brother Nathanael Kapner, Copyright 2. Articles May Be Reproduced Only With Authorship of Br Nathanael Kapner Link To Real Jew NewsSMPlease Help Support This Site Or Send Your Contribution To Brother Nathanael Kapner PO Box 5. Priest River ID 8. E mail bronathanaelyahoo. THE JEWS WHO RUN the US Department Of Homeland Security now have in their possession police technology imported from the fascist state of Israel. Already, the Talmudic Jew, Michael Chertoff, the head of the DHS, has made a secret deal with Israel disguised as the MarylandIsrael Homeland Security Partnership which will be used against Americans who are sick tired of the Jewish cabal here in America. On March 2. 3 2. 00. Canada and Israel signed a Declaration To Cooperate On Public Safety translate Declaration To Cooperate On A Police State. This Declaration will include collaboration with the US Department of Homeland Security now working with Canada concerning security issues with respect to the pending NAFTA Super Highway. Over 2. 0 US States to date have signed formal agreements with Israel to utilize Israeli police technology. Here Are The Jews Of US Homeland Security Who Will Police Americans Michael Chertoff This Jew is the Secretary of US Homeland Security. I meet most men that I date online. Its very common for guys with kids to write in their OKCupid profiles My kids come first, or My daughter is the center of my. Bienvenidos a mi Blog aca encontrars listas de msica,de videos,descargas,info,ranking,enlaces a otras pginas,noticias y muchas cosas ms. Friday, September 7, 2012. Vanessa Long filed for divorce from embattled preacher Eddie Long on Dec. Less than 24 hours later, she retracted her petition for. A Jewish Police State Is Coming. A Jewish Police State Is Coming, Jewification Of America Articles. A JEWISH POLICE STATE IS COMING By Brother Nathanael Kapner. Have you ever searched the internet to find the best way to kill yourself Well I have, and it is damn near impossible to find the. One day, I will leave, just waiting for my bonus I wont give you a hint, youll just see me and the boys gone. I can afford to live by myself and take care of the. Chertoff is a Talmudic Jew who looks upon Gentiles as sub humans. A dual citizen of Israel the US, Chertoff has a primary loyalty to Israel since Jews serve their own interests before those of their host nation. Paul A. Schneider This Jew is the Deputy Secretary of US Homeland Security. Fred L. Schwien This Jew is the Secretary of Operations of US Homeland Security. Jay M. Cohen This Jew is the Secretary for Technology of US Homeland Security. This Big Brother Jew is the one who will embed a micro chip into your wrist or forehead. Washington Airport Security Will See Passengers Stark Naked. Here. FLYING THE FRIENDLY SKYSUNFRIENDLY JEWS WILL BE WATCHING. As Soon As You Walk Into The Airportreports Computer World the machines will be watching. Heres More The system will size you up at the security checkpoint. An array of sensors video, audio, laser, infrared feeds a stream of data about you to a central computer. The system interprets your gestures and facial expressions, analyzes your voice and probes your body to determine your temperature, heart rate, and respiration rate all in an effort to determine whether you are trying to deceive. Fail the test and youll be pulled aside for a more aggressive interrogation. Yahoo Lifestyle is your source for style, beauty, and wellness, including health, inspiring stories, and the latest fashion trends. Everytime I Die Ex Lives Blogspot' title='Everytime I Die Ex Lives Blogspot' />This scenario may sound like science fiction but the US Department of Homeland Security is deadly serous about making it a reality by 2. Computer WorldJEWS WILL IMPRISON CITIZENSVIA THE MILITARY COMMISSIONS ACTIN THE FINAL HOURS before Congress adjourned in 2. President Bush signed the Military Commissions Act Of 2. In doing so, the Constitution was violated and the principle of habeas corpus which protects against unlawful and indefinite imprisonment was thrown to the wind. It is also used by Peter to describe the next coming of Christ and the context appears to be the rapture Live such good lives among the pagans that, though they. During June of 2007 I posted an article entitled, An Anxiety Disorder, Small Penis Syndrome. There has been an outpouring of comments about the article especially. Whether youre trying to solve a tough problem, start a business, get attention for that business or write an interesting article, creative thinking is crucial. The. This Military Commissions Act Of 2. President absolute power to designate enemy combatants. Section 6 of the Military Commissions Actstrips those declared an enemy combatant of the right to be heard in court to establish his or her innocence as guarded by the Constitutional principle of habeas corpus. This Act violates Article I, Section 9, Of The US Constitution The privilege of the writ of Habeas Corpus shall not be suspended unless when in cases of rebellion or invasion. Presently, the suspending of habeas corpus will be applied to non citizens. But once one class of people is deprived of their rights its only a matter of time before other groups are also deprived. Moreover, the Acts enemy combatant designation applies to both Americans foreigners. Thus by establishing Military Tribunals for enemy combatants the Military Commissions Act puts the US Military in control of American citizens. Everytime I Die Ex Lives Blogspot' title='Everytime I Die Ex Lives Blogspot' />This Tyrannical Law Has Been Created To Fight That Ever Present Boogey Man The So Called War On Terror. And It Is The Anti Christian Jews Of US Homeland Security. Who Will Imprison Christian Americans. Critical Of Their Agenda Unless We Stop Them NowFor More See Big Brother Jew Is Watching You Homeland Security Click Here. And The War On Terror Is A Jewish Hoax Click Here. And Jew Chertoffs Subversive North American Union Plan Click Here. Installation Will Continue Automatically Once The Server Initiates Your Session. And North American Union Promoted By Jews Click Here. And REAL ID CARD A JEWISH SPY CARD Click Here. CLICK Brother NathanaelStreet Evangelist Please Help Support This Site Or Send Your Contribution To Brother Nathanael Kapner PO Box 5. Priest River ID 8. E mail bronathanaelyahoo. Brother Nathanael May 2. Everytime I Die Ex Lives Blogspot' title='Everytime I Die Ex Lives Blogspot' />If Not AA, Then What Five 1. Step Group Alternatives. Rehab Helps Thousands of Addicts Quit. It Can Help You, Too. Most of us know someone who was saved from a serious drinking or drug problem by Alcoholics Anonymous AA or a group based on its 1. Narcotics Anonymous. And thats where most minds go when we think recovery from addiction. Yet AA and similar groups are not treatment rather, theyre support groups or what professionals call mutual help groups because participants usually peers support and help each other without professional therapy or guidance. However, such groups existed long before AA was established in 1. William White, author of Slaying the Dragon the History of Addiction Treatment and Recovery in America, who documented the existence of native American recovery circles a century earlier. Today, although most people have heard only of AA and similar 1. U. S. treatment facilities its well documented in the scientific literature that most people who go to AA dont stick with it. AA meeting go on to become active participants. Anne Fletcher. According to renowned addiction treatment researcher Thomas Mc. Lellan, Ph. D., CEO and Cofounder of Philadelphias Treatment Research Institute, studies suggest that just 2. AA meeting go on to become active participants. Of course, attendees do commonly go to meetings for a few months, drop out, and then come back at some later time. But many never get hooked and dont realize nor are they told in treatment programs that there are alternative support groups with very different philosophies that might appeal to them. There are more than a few longstanding choices with very different philosophies that exist nationwide. Some AA Alternatives Support Groups. Faces and Voices of Recovery offers a comprehensive, easy to use listing directory, from 1. Note that in addition to face to face meetings, many of these groups hold meetings in jails and prisons, and a good number have on line meetings. The following are some longstanding national abstinence based groups statistics are included for those that shared numbers of face to face meetings. Women for Sobriety. Women for Sobriety WFS was founded in the mid 1. Jean Kirkpatrick, a woman with a doctorate in sociology who had a severe alcohol problem that she ultimately overcame herself by changing her thoughts when she was lonely or depressed. Kirkpatrick felt that women with drinking problems require different approaches than men and began this abstinence based program for women, taking the position that drinking begins as a way of dealing with emotional issues and then evolves into addiction. Designed to bolster womens sense of self value, the WFS philosophy stands in contrast with AAs focus on humility and limiting self centeredness, working from a position of empowerment. Anne Fletcher. Designed to bolster womens sense of self value, the WFS philosophy stands in contrast with AAs focus on humility and limiting self centeredness, working from a position of empowerment. Members are encouraged to learn how to better manage their issues by sharing with and encouraging one another. A major emphasis is on substituting negative, self destructive thoughts with positive, self affirming ones. WFS uses 1. 3 statements or affirmations that emphasize increased self worth, emotional and spiritual growth, not focusing on the past, personal responsibility, problem solving, and attending to physical health. Dead Rising 1 Pc. Latest stats WFS averages 1. U. S. groups and a dozen in Canada. SMART Recovery. SMART Recoverys cornerstone is cognitive behavioral approaches that help members recognize environmental and emotional factors for alcohol and other drug use as well as other addictive behaviors and then to respond to them in new, more productive ways. It also incorporates motivational interviewing concepts. Unlike some support groups whose principles remain static, SMART Recovery maintains a philosophy of evolving as scientific knowledge evolves. Although it is an abstinence based program, SMART Recovery welcomes those who are ambivalent about quitting substance use. Anne Fletcher. SMART Recovery tools can help you regardless of whether or not you believe addiction is a disease. Working from empowerment, it encourages individuals to recover from addiction as opposed to being in recovery or seeing themselves as having a lifelong disease and is a recognized resource by multiple professional organizations, including the National Institute on Drug Abuse and the American Society of Addiction Medicine. Although it is an abstinence based program, SMART Recovery welcomes those who are ambivalent about quitting substance use. Its 4 point program guides participants in the following areas 1 building and maintaining motivation 2 coping with urges 3 managing thoughts, feelings and behaviors and 4 living a balanced life. SMART Recovery president and clinical psychologist, Tom Horvath, Ph. D., told me, SMART is good for people who take lots of responsibility for their lives those who feel theyre in control of events rather than the other way around. Latest stats 6. U. S. groups 6. 13 international groups. SMART Recovery also has a youth program and a Family Friends program. Secular Organizations for SobrietySOS advocates taking responsibility for problem drinking and handling it as a separate issue, distinct from any religious or spiritual beliefs. Anne Fletcher. Secular Organizations for Sobriety SOS was founded by former serious problem drinker, James Christopher, in the mid 1. He tried AA but felt uncomfortable with the notion of turning ones life over to a higher power, finding that focusing on self reliance and personal responsibility were more helpful in dealing with his alcohol problem on his own. He used these tenets in founding SOS, which advocates taking responsibility for problem drinking and handling it as a separate issue, distinct from any religious or spiritual beliefs. SOS has no structured program, but it has some suggested guidelines for sobriety. The centerpiece is the sobriety priority which works from the standpoint that, when using, alcohol or other drugs become the main focus in life. Therefore, to become free of substance, SOS maintains that sobriety has to become your priority, and you cannot and do not use, no matter what. Latest stats I was told, SOS has well over 1. Life. Ring Secular Recovery. Life. Ring Secular Recovery LSR was formed more than a decade ago when a number of SOS groups changed their names and affiliated as LSR, a separate group that was formed because of differences of opinion about how the organization should be structured. LSR has three fundamental principles sobriety, secularity, and self help. For this organization, sobriety also always means abstinence from alcohol and other problem drugs, and they practice the sobriety priority, we do not drink or use, no matter what. Although people of all faiths or none are welcome, Life. Ring supports methods relying on human efforts rather than on divine intervention. For them, self help means that the key to recovery lies in the individuals own motivation and effort, and the group is there to reinforce his or her own inner efforts. Latest stats 1. 59 U. S. groups 4. 1 international groups. Celebrate Recovery. Celebrate Recovery CR was founded as a Christian support group in the early 1.